plays: guitar, vox
is: social media & merch director
and: is a nasty woman with a bluesy voice. stevie nicks, janis joplin, mavis staples, beyonce, amen.
plays: cello, vox, bass, kazoo, glockenspiel, accordion
is: finance & music director
and: used to cry to neil sedaka records as a child and has had a long term recurring nightmare of getting lost in the woods with her brother.
plays: keys, guitar, vox
is: marketing & booking director
and: likes storytelling, wandering, dogs, naps, & food, & one time got arrested in south korea, feel free to ask him about it.
plays: bass, electric guitar
is: technical director
and: in john's high school yearbook, under future plans it says, "to play guitar in a progessive, new wave punk band." somehow he ended up in macabre americana.
plays: rhythm
is: administrative & rehearsal director
and: is a brooklyn native who started drumming at 8. recently, he’s taken up baking bread and fearing for planet earth.